
馆际互借是一项免费服务, 使用ILLiad系统, 它允许你请求期刊文章, 书, 以及其他需要的研究材料,这些材料在ODU是无法获得的. The pick-up and return location for all 馆际互借 materials is the 帮助 Desk in the 学习共享, 佩里图书馆一楼. The 馆际互借 and Document Delivery 服务 Unit is located in 佩里图书馆, 4000房间, 和工作人员可以回答与ILL相关的问题. 请致电757-683-4170或 libill@pulounge.com.


ODU的学生, 教师, 工作人员, and lifetime members of Friends of the 大学图书馆 are eligible to use ILL services.

To register for interlibrary loan services, you must create an ILLiad account (top of page). Log in using your MIDAS ID, then fill out the form on the ILLiad webpages.

Once you have signed up for ILL services you can access your account (top of page) and log in using your MIDAS ID. 从您的帐户中,您可以查看待处理请求的状态, 看看你已经借出了哪些项目,以及它们的截止日期, 更改密码或个人信息, 并对物品进行手动请求.

Generally, there is no cost for users to acquire materials via interlibrary loan. 大部分费用由ODU库支付. In rare situations the lending library charges a fee we are unable to pay. In these cases, we contact you to determine if you are willing to pay these additional charges.

你可以索取资料 君主引, 在线研究数据库, bibliographies, or reference lists from journal articles, 书, dissertations, etc. 如果你有引文,我们可以试着借用一下!

Widely published 书 and journal articles are usually acquired quickly and easily. We will attempt to acquire all items requested; 然而, the following items are often difficult and sometimes impossible to obtain:

  • 最近出版的书,尤指最近出版的小说
  • 流行的非学术媒体- cd和dvd
  • 混合媒体-幻灯片,艺术目录等.
  • 整期期刊
  • 档案材料
  • 超过75年的书
  • 只有少数几家图书馆拥有的书
  • 北美任何图书馆都找不到的书
  • 国外的论文
  • Material that is "in press" but has 不 yet been officially released by the publisher
  • 教科书

You can place requests directly through some 在线研究数据库 or you can login to your ILLiad account and create a manual request.

Delivery times vary depending on the type of material you request and which library sends us your requested materials. 文章可以在短至几个小时,长至7-10天到达. Books and A/V materials generally arrive 3-10 days after the request is placed.

The pick-up and return location for all 馆际互借 materials is the 帮助 Desk, 1楼, 佩里图书馆. 馆际互借 and Document Delivery 服务 工作人员 members are located in 佩里图书馆, 西4000室(4楼)可以回答您的问题. 也可以通过以下方式与他们联系 libill@pulounge.com or 757-683-4170.

If you requested an article, it will likely be delivered electronically to your ILLiad account. To access these documents, you must login to your ILLiad account (top of page). Select "Electronically Received Articles" under View on the left navigation bar to view and download them.

我们会把你要的材料寄给你, 包括ODU图书馆馆藏中的书籍, 寄到你的家庭住址或你的远程学习网站. 申请电子UPS退货标签 libill@pulounge.com. Please provide your email address and home address on the UPS return label.


  • 它可以通过ODU Libraries集合获得
  • 它可以在网上免费获得
  • 这是一件罕见的物品,我们一直找不到可以借阅的副本
  • The item is written in a foreign language and you did 不 indicate that other languages are acceptable

You can check the status of a request by logging into your ILLiad account (top of page). Select "Outstanding Requests" under View on the left navigation bar to check the status. To view a list of items you have checked out with their due dates, select "Checked Out Items"

ODU Libraries are committed to serving the research needs of 教师, students and 工作人员. There are no limits on the number of requests you can make or the number of items you can have checked out. Because interlibrary loan is an expensive service subsidized by the university we do, 然而, 要求你只要求你的研究需要的项目.

No. The due date for the items you borrow is set by the lending library and generally ranges from two to eight weeks. 如果书的标签上没有印上“不得续借”的字样,我们将 五月 be able to renew the item for a不her loan period (a不her two to eight weeks). 如果你需要一本书很长时间, we recommend that you place a new request for it a week or two before the due date on the copy you have.

如果图书标签上印有“不得续借”字样,借阅图书馆将予以续借 允许延期到期日. 如果没有盖章,我们可以申请续签, but the decision is made by the lending library and 不 the ODU ILL office.


  • 登录您的ILLiad帐户(页面顶部) and view the item you want to renew under "Checked Out Items" on the left navigation bar. 点击你想续订的物品的交易号. 如果您在交易信息上方看到“Renew Request”按钮, 您可以尝试请求续订.
  • You can respond to the automatic due date reminder email that you receive approximately one week before an item is due
  • 您可以直接与我们联系 libill@pulounge.com or 757-683-4170

We will attempt to acquire any item that you request; 然而, 大多数图书馆没有最新版本的教科书, 所以我们不太可能帮你弄到这本书. 如果图书馆确实拥有它, it is often in a non-circulating reserve collection and unavailable for interlibrary loan. 欢迎您索取所要求的教科书的早期版本.

If you indicate that you only want English language materials and there is a published English language translation of the requested item we will attempt to obtain it. If the item is written in a foreign language and there is 不 a published English language translation we can不 translate the item for you.

可能. 有些图书馆能够提供彩色副本,但许多图书馆不提供. 如果您需要文章的彩色副本,请在 笔记 字段的请求,我们将尝试找到一个图书馆,可以提供它. 如果我们找不到供应商, 我们将与您联系,以确定黑白是否可以接受.

Items should be returned on or before the due date listed on the book label. 我们将在项目到期前约7天通过电子邮件联系, 项目到期后7天, 在项目到期后21天. At 21 days overdue, we will place a block on your ILLiad and library accounts. At 28 days overdue, you will begin to accrue fines of $1/day until the item is returned. Overdue fines only post to the patron's account at the point the book is checked in. If the item is more than 60 days overdue, you will be billed an $80 replacement fee. 如果您在此之后返回项目, 我们将免除80美元的更换费, 但逾期罚款将维持不变.

如果你确定你丢失了一件物品, 请亲自与ILL部门联系, 电话757-683-4171, 或电邮至 libill@pulounge.com. We will contact the lending library to determine what options are available to replace the lost item and inform you of their preference.
